Efek Blog

Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014


Indonesian Presidential elections will next be held on the 9th of July 2014, this election will be the third direct presidential election in Indonesia, and to choose the President of the five-year term. Defender Yudhoyono can not move forward again in this election because it is prevented by legislation that prohibits the third period for a president. According to the electoral law of 2008, only the party that controls more than 20% of the seats in the House of Representatives or 25% of the vote to win the popular candidate can apply. This law was challenged in the Constitutional Court, but in January 2014, the Court decided undng these laws remain in force.
             Presidential elections in 2014 this time bringing Jokowi as President and Vice President Jusuf Kalla as that carried PDIP, Hanura, Nasdem and PKB. For couples who are both Prabowo and Hatta Rajasa (Prabowo-Hatta) into pairs and vice presidential candidates are carried burrs, Golkar, PPP, PBB and PKS. Overall it is the nation's children are good.
             For pair-Hatta Prabowo get a serial number. President the Prosperous Justice Party, Anis Matta Opimistis, candidates for president and vice president of the coalition partners, Prabowo-Hatta Rajasa, will win the presidential election next July 9. It was followed the couple to obtain a serial number on this presidential election, and Anis said, in this presidential election, MCC will optimize engine performance Parpor owned. Especially for the PKS candidate who passes or not the last legislative elections.
             Furthermore Jokowi-Kalla get number two said Jokowi number two is the number of alignment. Successful Team Members Jokowidodo-Kalla Energy Sector Prasojo Darmawan said, if elected president, Jokowi-JK will provide cheap energy to the people. Cheap energy was supplied to the transport and electricity sectors.
             "Energy will be transported either cheap electricity, because we do the transformation. Cheap domestic-based. Our strategy is cheap but energy subsidies could be cut "Darmo said in a discussion in Jakarta, Saturday (05/31/2014).
             Along with the coming of the presidential election that took place July 9 later political temperature starts to heat up as a result of competition of two candidates for President of the dam vice president, Prabowo-Hatta and Jokowi-JK exacerbated by the presence of a black campaign. Black campaign could have been done by a third party or outside of the followers of the two groups, campaigns Hitan it only slant highlight the issues concerning the background of each are doubtful, black campaign forms of unethical and healthy this continues dimedia- social media communities to influence the public opinion.
             Prabowo has recently become a target for people who launched a smear campaign. Since sebagain declared himself a candidate he has always been associated with controversy about Rose team, the name of the Special Forces team that is touted melakuakan abduction of activists in 1997-1998. Another issue that is spread through the short message service, BlackBerry Messenger broadcast, and Internet blogs are Prabowo has dual citizenship, namely Indonesia and Jordan are said to be obtained from the King Hussein (Jordan) in 1998.
             Meanwhile, black campaign aimed at candidates / vice-JK Jokowi contains issues of Religion Race and Ethnicity Intergroup (SARA). That is a matter of religion embraced Jokowi. As a result of that there is a racial element to the Islamization Jokowi doubt. Another black campaign that led to the couple uploaded kesitus youtube. In the site, there is a video recording of criticism related pencapresan Jokowi JK, JK said "destroyed this country if Jokowi be President".
             The candidates vying political campaign to the people of Indonesia, that they who deserve to occupy the presidency. And the public expect results later Presidential Election is a figure that would be a true statesman, honest, firm and protect all people and most importantly, can prosper and the Indonesian people from the shackles of poverty, and hopefully 2014 President is the President who can fulfill the promises made in the campaign for her.

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